We might have caught up with the Gingerbread Man at some point this week...at least to see which part of the cookie we would eat first. We used our five senses to describe gingerbread cookies. We painted and decorated some gingerbread men with yummy smelling paint. And, we even got to eat a soft and a hard gingerbread cookie! After our gingerbread activities took place, we wrote some words about our gingerbread men. Then, we even made a hypothesis about what would happen if we put a gingerbread cookie in water. We were thrilled to see that the cookie dissolved in water!
After taking a bite of a gingerbread cookie, we counted up the number of kids who ate the various parts of the cookie. It was fun to graph the results. Lastly, we read a lot of books about gingerbread boys, girls, babies, and bears. The kids absolutely loved reading all of these books. If you want to see your child get excited, begin to chant one of the following sayings from our books: "Run, run as fast as you dare. You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Bear!" OR "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!"