Wednesday, February 14, 2018

All aboard!

The OLES train station is open for business.  Tickets are being sold at an alarming rate, so you'd better get your seat soon.  In all seriousness, the preschoolers are really enjoying this new learning center.  They each take turns dramatizing the roles of railroad employees as well as train passengers.  Now that we're traveling by train in February, the preschoolers look at a map of the United States instead of looking at a map of the world, so that they can see where we should go each day. 

While we have the large Amtrak train in the station that the preschoolers can ride on, the preschoolers also painted some extra boxcars for a train that can actually move around the classroom.  This moveable train has allowed us to discuss ordinal numbers and to work on our identification our numbers in the teens.  Lastly, our music teacher, Ms. Ricci, has taught us some fun train songs to add to our learning.  We are right on track for learning as much language as possible!

Gross Motor Group with Ms. Kasey!

Ms. Kasey always brings a variety of fun things for us to do in class.  She encourages us to work on our gross motor muscle development.  We have yoga exercises that promote flexibility and strength.  We've been practicing daily so that Kasey could see how strong we are getting.  Thanks for always keeping exercise, flexibility and strengthening activities fun for the preschoolers, Kasey.  We appreciate you!


Will the Groundhog See His Shadow - 2018?

Chasing Shadows

The preschoolers had fun learning about shadows, both inside and outside of the classroom.  My favorite part was watching the preschoolers as they began looking for shadows on their own.  When they were initiating conversations with their friends & asking them to join in on the hunt, I couldn't help but smile.  6 more weeks of winter (or not)...our mission was accomplished! 


Preschool Artwork - Pilots, airplanes & clouds




A new year brings....Snow & Winter Traveling!

January was a crazy month for Virginia Beach weather!  A positive aspect of all of that snow accumulation was the fact that, the real snow perfectly complimented our Winter Theme unit.  I think that the preschoolers truly understand what snow is...and that means that it was a fun learning experience for them.  While we did have 7 snow days in January, we were still able to learn a lot.  In preschool, we focused our learning on the vocabulary of winter & were able to take daily trips to the Arctic & to the Antarctic Polar Regions of the world.  When we were in school...our flights were always on time at OLES!  :) 

In preparation for those cold destinations, the preschoolers packed their suitcases with warm winter clothes.  Then, they planned and carried out daily flights to Alaska & Antarctica.  The preschoolers purchased tickets and boarded the plane independently.  They were also able to fly & land the plane like a pro.  Some of the preschoolers were flight attendants, taking drink orders from the other passengers.  Other students were pilots, co-pilots or air traffic controllers.

Upon arrival to the Winter Theme area, the preschoolers learned all about winter weather, how to read a thermometer, about winter animals and about lots of activities that could be accomplished during the winter months.  In the end, it was a cold, arctic blast of fun!