Sunday, October 16, 2016

Here's to another great school year!

Welcome to the Ocean Lakes Oral Preschool where we strive to learn something new each day!  Our class focuses on learning to talk through listening.  To do so, we aim to provide a language rich environment that focuses on acquiring a wide variety of vocabulary through developmentally appropriate activities.   We use a natural, play based model of learning that encourages our students to talk about the materials in their environment with those around them.  This approach encourages interactions among the students and helps them to obtain the necessary conversational skills and dramatic play skills that will enhance their curiosity and future learning opportunities.

Since our class is a multi-age, preschool classroom, we are working on all areas of development. However, we focus heavily on the language & social emotional growth of each child since this will help them to effectively navigate future interactions in life.  Our goal is to foster a love of learning in each child while also encouraging them to communicate in an effective manner with others.

I truly have a passion for the early childhood age group and am excited that you and your child will be a part of our learning journey this year.  This blog will serve as a window into our classroom.  On the side of the blog, you will see links to songs that we are (or will be) using in class.  Additionally, some of our literacy focus books will be included on side of the blog in the Goodreads icon.  Lastly, there are other links containing educational sites for you to peruse with your child when he/she is out of school.

Please share this blog with your family members and friends.  The pictures will paint a picture of the learning that is happening in our class each day.  I encourage you to use these pictures as a conversation-starter with your child.  Hopefully, this will remind your child what they have been learning in class & give them a reason to talk to you about it.   Remember, you are just as important to your child's learning as we are.  You were your child's first teacher and will continue to be the most important influence to him/her through out the years.  We appreciate all that you do at home & look forward to working with you, as a team, to support your child's overall growth.

Ms. Julie

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