We're finally experiencing some fall weather in Virginia. The leaves near our school are turning a gorgeous blend of colors. So, we figured that it was time to study them closer. The preschoolers have really enjoyed collecting the leaves from the playground to look at under the magnifying glass. We've even been able to listen to the rustling of the leaves in the air as well as what they sound like when we stomp on them. Ou stories have also focused on the season of fall and what some kinds of animals do during this season. However, the preschoolers' favorite activity was raking the leaves. Of course, they enjoyed jumping in the leaves, stomping the leaves and even throwing them in the air, too. Each day, when we went outside, they asked us to rake more leaves. So, parents, you might want to take advantage of their sudden interest in doing yard work. I can't promise that this will last. :)

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