Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!

The preschoolers learned so much over the past month about the zoo.  In fact, they learned about all of the animals who live in the zoo as well as the many different kind of employees who work there each day!

We pretended to be zoo keepers and learned how to take care of the animals.  We learned that each animal has a different habitat in the zoo.  We also talked about the importance of cleaning the animal cages, bathing the animals and even feeding them the proper foods.  The preschoolers used a checklist to make sure that they cared for each animal & didn't forget any them.  We learned the words for the animal names as well as many other things surrounding the language around taking care of them.

Sometimes, the preschoolers pretended to be visitors at the zoo.  They purchased tickets to enter the zoo & practiced reading zoo maps to help them get around.  We even bought drinks & snacks to eat when we were hungry or thirsty.   One of the preschoolers' favorite things to do was ride around the zoo to see the animals in open air cages.  Our green jeep took us on many interesting safaris around the zoo.  Of course, we made sure to bring our binoculars and our camera on these jeep rides so that we could see the animals up closer.  This may have been their favorite center so far, this year.  :)


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