Friday, October 20, 2017

The Apple Orchard

The apple orchard has encouraged many fun conversations over the past few weeks.  However, it has also given the preschoolers many opportunities to practice a variety of math skills.  They have been picking apples and sorting them into groups by color, shape, size, real/pretend apples & even by stem/no stem.  The preschoolers have also been counting apples, graphing apples and making ABAB patterns with real and pretend apples.  Lastly, the preschoolers have enjoyed using a balancing scale  weigh the apples & compare them as well as to sell the apples to their friends. 

Last week, we had an apple/apple products tasting party.  We tasted over 14 different apple products as well as a variety of fresh apple slices!  Their favorite apple items were the apple slices, the applesauce and the apple juice. Yum!  Overall, it's been a delicious learning experience for all.

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