Sunday, November 16, 2014

All About Me

We made Listening Ears
During the first few weeks of school, we spent a lot time getting to know each other during our All About Me unit of study.  We discussed the fact that we were all members of the AES/Kindergarten community as well as a part of a larger community, Virginia Beach.  We learned about the AES school rules and how they were important for our learning environment.  Lastly, we began to learn the routines for our classroom learning environment.

As a part of our
All About Me unit, we discussed the fact that we each had similarities & differences.  We emphasized the fact that all of these characteristics were important parts of who we are and that  each of these characteristics add to our special, school community.

We counted and graphed the number of boys & girls in our classroom, our first day of school emotions, the type of transportation that each of us took to/from school, our eye color and even the number of people in our family.  We measured how tall we were with paper blocks and began to look closely at the letters in our first name.  Our favorite activity was presenting our About Me Bags!  


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