Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Shoveling snow is fun?!?

When the weather brings us snow in Virginia Beach, we will shovel it...just ask the preschoolers!  According to the kids, shoveling snow was a LOT of fun!   They could't wait to take their turn with the each shovel.  Although there was not much snow left on the ground when we got back to school, we had enough to make & throw some snowballs as well as a mini-snowman.  After a fun language experience outside, we came back into the classroom and drank some hot chocolate to warm us up!





Snow in Virginia Beach!

Believe it or not, we had some snow in Virginia Beach this year!  Although, we didn't have very much snow compared to other areas of the country, it was just enough for school exploration.  In fact, when you play with snow in school, you don't have to get all bundled to go outside!  

The preschoolers had a blast exploring with real snow in our sensory table.  They chopped up some blocks of snow & then made animal prints in the snow with their polar bears & penguins.  Some of the preschoolers even made snowballs and real "snow" cones.  Their imaginations were running wild.  Although the snow didn't last very long indoors, it was definitely COLD while we played with it.  In the end, playing with the snow and watching it melt was a great learning experience for everyone!



Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Ms. Kristi, Ms. Rebecca & the preschoolers surprised me with a fun birthday party at school!  They even brought in one of my favorite desserts...ice cream cake!  Of course, we turned this fun activity into a language experience!   The party helped us to talk about the vocabulary words & phrases that would accompany a birthday party:  cake, candles, frosting/icing, sprinkles, lighting the candles, hot, cold, blowing the candles out, melting, smoke, present/gift and make a wish.  I thought that eating something yummy and cold would be the highlight of the party.   However, I think that it was when I asked the preschoolers to guess how old I was...they said "maybe 4 years old."  While there is a "4" in my age, I think I'll just run with their guess!  :)


Train Artwork

The Train Station

All Aboard!  A passenger train has arrived in the OLES preschool classroom.  In fact, it pulled into the train station a few weeks ago!  The preschoolers have been buying tickets from their ticket booth friends and boarding the train for destinations both far and near.  They have become experts at punching holes in the "used" train tickets and walking up & down the aisle of the train to find their seat before the ride starts.  The engineers and conductor keep the passengers up to date on the status of the trip & let them know when they will be coming close to their destination.

However, the conductor & the engineer are only a few of the people that have important jobs at the train station.  We also have mechanics, ticket booth operators & even some savvy security police to make sure that all of our passengers are safe while on board.  

And, as the preschoolers are riding on the train, we talk about the train's speed and how smooth the ride is going.  The preschoolers are also encouraged to look out the window of the train and talk about what they can see.  Some of the preschoolers even take their camera on the train so that they can take pictures along the way.   




Preschool Artwork