Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Ms. Kristi, Ms. Rebecca & the preschoolers surprised me with a fun birthday party at school!  They even brought in one of my favorite cream cake!  Of course, we turned this fun activity into a language experience!   The party helped us to talk about the vocabulary words & phrases that would accompany a birthday party:  cake, candles, frosting/icing, sprinkles, lighting the candles, hot, cold, blowing the candles out, melting, smoke, present/gift and make a wish.  I thought that eating something yummy and cold would be the highlight of the party.   However, I think that it was when I asked the preschoolers to guess how old I was...they said "maybe 4 years old."  While there is a "4" in my age, I think I'll just run with their guess!  :)


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