Thursday, January 19, 2017

Baby It's Cold in Here...

While a Virginia Beach winter is not extremely cold compared to the weather in some northern states, we have been pretending that the winter area in our classroom IS cold.  This allows us to talk about the language of winter without getting frostbite.  :)

The preschoolers have been dressing up in their winter clothes each day so that they can throw snow balls, shovel snow and build a snowmen.  The preschoolers have practiced the self care skills of putting on their own gloves, mittens, socks, boots, hats, jackets and scarves.  While they need some help, they are getting much better at trying to do it independently.  The winter area has also allowed us to learn about animals and how they can survive during the winter months.



During the second week of January, we had 3 real, snow days in Virginia Beach that helped the preschoolers to experience what a cold winter day can feel like.  When we got back to school from the snow days, there was a little bit of residual snow around the school.  The preschoolers loved shoveling the walkway so much, that they asked to do it again at recess time.  When it was time for library class, we brought a snowball into our classroom and put it on the table.  However, our room was so warm, that the snowballs melted by the time we returned...just like our story, The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.   

I wish that the preschoolers could have had a little bit more snow so that they could build a real snowman at school.  Then again, maybe I should be careful about what I'm saying...I don't want to have any more snow days this year.  



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